Move Congress 2015 Copenaghen - Part 3

How did you develop the program that is strongly customer focused based on detailed insight into the lifestyles, behaviours, and wishes of the individuals? 

Sergio is an advertising agent, he is creative, a keen observer … so 5.30 is simply what people are looking for: an sport events which is clean, easy, eco friendly, not too hard but at the some time, a challenge for everyone! I have studied a lot and after years and years of theory, I have felt deep in my self, that in order to improve our health we need to invest energy in good nutrition and daily activity. People need a healthy lifestyle opportunity, ready to live: 5.30!

People need to know but even need to live the experience. We all, have to offer new opportunities which are simple and sustainable, were we live, in our towns as they are – without having to change a thing.

We need to associate good feelings with movement and fresh fruit. This is 5.30. 

5.30 is a real opportunity to live healthy food and daily activity. Scientific evidence are clear, if we want to live long and well, a full vibrant life, we have to be more active, how much more? 5 K daily is enough – and what should we eat every day to protect and promote our health? Overall…plant based food: fruit is the best way to start your day and the perfect snack 24 h, from 1 to 100 years old. Trends and studies have shown this for more than 3 decades. This is nothing new. All we have done is to take healthy principles to the street, in a smart way, affordable for all.

Move Congress Copenaghen 2015 - Part 2

My report for you. Part 2

What kind of »clever marketing« you use? 

1° We put forward what we really are and our strength lies in this.

5.30 started out without the help of media or political intervention but  thanks to a group of runners

2° Each participant chooses, lives the  5.30 and enthuses with friends and relatives. Word of mouth is powerful and is the key to our success.

3° Social marketing : Fb, web site, blog

Move Congress Copenaghen 2015

Move Congress 2015  Advocate. Innovate. Fundraise.

The MOVE Congress 2015 will help inspire participants from all over the world imagine and create new ideas and new projects that help get more people more active.

Track 2, Workshop 5, 12.15 – 13.45  11.06.2015

Growing trends in physical activity: running across the world – why are recreational runners are part of one of the fastest growing markets and what can clubs do to recapture their interest?

Moderator: Rebecca Steele, DGI Running and the Danish Athletics Federation, Denmark


Running across Europe - The rise and size of one of the largest sport markets, Prof. Dr. Jeroen Scheerder, KU Leuven, Belgium

Running in Denmark – a case and vision, Mette Madsen, DGI Lab, Denmark

RUN 5.30, Dr.ssa Sabrina Severi, Ginger SSD, UISP, Italy

Come promesso vi faccio partecipare e....pubblico la traccia del discorso che terrò a Copenaghen, in tre parti....Buona lettura!

Here you can read my report for you...part 1.

What is success story behind the RUN 05.30?

5.30 is a unique communication project, easily adaptable, exportable everywhere and worldwide.

• it takes place at sunrise on a business day;

• it creates a true moment of shared awareness among the participants;

• at the end of the event, at around 6.45AM, people end up realising that they have had the time for physical activity, breakfast and sharing a special moment with friends

• after the event, the participants realise they still have another hour for themselves before heading to the office;

• due to the early hours, route authorisations are easy to obtain from the council;

• it shows how easy it is to make participants happy with very little

5.30 is what Sergio and I, are…not only what we know but also what we have become, what we have chosen, what we have understood

for example: I love studying, I’m a scientist passionate about wellness and all secrets for improving human health – I speak and write about this on 5.30 blog…

Even though fun runs are fashionable at the moment and everyone loves them, the 5.30 event isn’t one of these.  They aren’t our style and organizing one just wouldn’t feel authentic.

5.30 love to share. 5.30 is a path for meetingpeople and gettingtogether . I’m referring to all the participants and also our partners.

In every city we create strong alliances based on esteem and respect and sometimes these alliances have become true friendships over time.

Charity: This year as usual we have donated 1 euro and more (almost double), for each participant fora total of 58.600 euro…a lot of money….collectedfrom smiling people that are living a special experience with friends and relatives during sunrise.